Grant Proposal Editing
I understand that writing a grant proposal is a time-consuming, high-stakes task, whose outcome affects the livelihood and careers of many people. Likewise, because securing funding is a performance requirement of research institutions, writing a grant proposal ranks as the highest priority for principal investigators. Consequently the writing process may result in enormous stress and pressure. During the grant writing season many authors report frustration about needing to restrict their time with family and friends. Partnering with an editor who is familiar with the structure of NIH or NSF grant applications will help you reduce your workload and relieve some of this stress. While a group of your colleagues may edit your grant proposal, it will benefit you to have a fresh set of eyes of a professional editor. After investing so much time and care into this process, including multiple rounds of writing and re-reading, you will be relieved to know that by enlisting the services of an editor you have done everything in your power to ensure that your final proposal is error-free and ready for submission.
I have edited a number of NIH grant proposals, including multimillion dollar grants involving multidisciplinary collaboration with multiple labs and departments, and I can partner with you and your team in the grant writing process. For a complete listing of the items I review while editing a grant, see my Editing Checklist. For information about cost and payment check out my Price & Payment page. Please let me know if you have any questions I can answer. You can contact me at: